A scientific research service
for people with an insatiable curiosity.

Modern science is failing to address many important questions. Research priorities are determined by what governments deem important or what companies believe will be profitable. In this system, scientific progress is slowing, and many topics that people care about are left unexplored.

But you don’t really need an institution’s approval to investigate what you believe matters. We often do not realize our capability to be active participants in discovering the answers we seek.

A diagram of the current science funding system

Select a focus question

What do you want to know more about that isn't being sufficiently addressed? We narrow down a research question that is both meaningful and feasible, determining the appropriate researchers and tools.


Review existing knowledge

Whether we unearth existing answers or substantiate the need for experimentation, a lit review is essential. We summarize information from high quality academic and non-academic sources, applying our quality evaluation criteria to determine the best existing knowledge on the topic.


Design an appropriate experiment

We use our custom-devised Gold- Silver-Bronze framework to design an experiment that is feasible, likely to give a true answer, statistically valid, and appropriate for the project goals.


Execute experiment

We take care of the implementation details.
We collaborate closely with research partners, recruit participants, source
materials – whatever it takes to execute the
research successfully.